Going To School For Film

Initially when I got accepted for the program Im in at the moment, I was pretty excited. But as we near the end of the semester, I feel that I wasted my time. Not every class in this course felt like that, but all combined into one experience, it has left a bad taste in my mouth. Especially when the class that's supposed to teach us how to use the equipment only did so through lectures, when we thought it would be more hands on. We have done at least 4 or 5 film projects where we have used said equipment, but if you asked me if I knew how to operate any of the cameras, I would have to say absolutely not. Now, I DO know how to use the sound mixer and recorder, but not because of my teacher. Infact, the other day, I asked him which box to plug the headphones into, and was told to plug them into the mixer, only to be told by another teacher for another class that headphones were to be plugged into the recorder, who then proceeded to teach me how both boxes actually work. (to be continued)

Digimon X V-pet

So I've had my Digimon X probably since April. Just recently I changed the battery, since the one that came with the V-pet lasted like, two or three days. Started out with Putamon, which digivolved to Tokomon X. For the rookie stage, I got Herrismon. I don't like the sprite very much, but Herrismon itself is kinda cute. Next, Herrismon digivolved to Damemon. I thought he looked like a poop swirl so I wasn't a super big fan of it.

My thoughts on Digimon Survive

About a month ago, I was at my local GameStop to pick up some eShop cards for my switch, with the intention of getting Digimon World:Next Order. Normally when I go in, I go check out what other games they have on the shelves. Now before this, I had considered which Digimon game I wanted to get. Digimon Survive was actually at the bottom of my list.